Tips - Internet Applications
Articles, Sites, Guides & Newsletters
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- eMailMan - from Andrew Starr. Info on books, conversions, FAQ's, international, list serves, security, utilities, and more.
- Macintosh Internet - from The Mac Orchard. A list of the most vital Internet applications and links for Macintosh Internet users, along with Internet software reviews.
- Winfiles.Com - from CNET. Windows shareware, freeware, drivers, updates, reviews, tips & tricks, bug fixes, price comparisons, and more.
Browser: Chrome
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- Homepage - from Google. Features, accessories, downloads, updates, reviews.
Browser: FireFox
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- Homepage - from Mozilla. Features, accessories, downloads, updates, reviews.
Browser: Internet Explorer
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- Internet News - Daily news, monthly news, ActiveX, browsers, chats, plug-ins, statistics, and more.
- Homepage - from Microsoft. Features, accessories, downloads, updates, reviews.
Browser: Other
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- Internet Archive - from Evolt.Org. If you think Internet Expolorer and Netscape are the only browsers out there, check out this archive of more than 100 other browsers.
- Internet News - Daily news, monthly news, ActiveX, browsers, chats, plug-ins, statistics, and more.
Email: Eudora
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- Eudora Homepage - from Qualcomm. Support, features, FAQ's, Knowledge base.
Email: Outlook Express
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- Outlook Express Homepage - from Microsoft. Support, features, FAQ's, Knowledge base.
Email: Thunderbird
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- Thunderbird Homepage - from Mozilla. Support, features, FAQ's, Knowledge base.
FTP: Mac
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- Fetch - from Apple. News, downloads, features, history, limitations, known bugs, FAQ's.
FTP: Windows
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